iPhone downloading Podcast issue

27 Sep 2004
The Ledge Beyond The Edge
Is it only my iPhone that doesn't show recent podcasts when you go to download podcasts?

For example, if i look at the tech guy on itunes on my MBP it shows there is one 9/12/08, but if i look on the iPhone iTMS is shows the last one is the 10th of november.

Anyone else get this?

How can you listen to the tech guy.. it's 3hrs of crap user phone ins
Sorry to jump aboard but when i goto play them it sais that its not supported.

Any idea why ? I download them via the iphone on itunes and it wont play.

Thanks a bazillion.
Perhaps the format isn't supported on the iPhone (too high a resolution etc).

I've officially given up on the 1UP podcast now, absolutely fuming :mad:
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