iPhone from CPW £100 voucher?

18 Oct 2002
I got my iPhone from CPW for the discounted price and this morning I got a letter from them saying the handset has been reduced by £100 so I get a voucher to spend in store for the difference.

So I have an iPhone for £169 and a £100 CPW voucher.. i've read the T&Cs and it doesn't seem to need any additional purchase.. just 100quid to spend on anything apart from credit and insurance.

Anyone else get this?
Just a quick update.. got a letter from CPW today saying the voucher was a mistake, but giving me 20quid instead for my troubles.

I'd rather have 100quid, but 20quid will buy me a car charger and headphone adapter (give or take a pound or two) so it's alright for nowt :)
I've bought plenty from CPW in the past and never had any spam.. if the do spam me i'll just tell them to stop.. hardly much hassle :)
O2 also haven't sent you 20quid :)

CPW is 5mins from my house, o2 is 30-40mins away.. an extra 2mins in the shop is hardly worth the extra drive ;)
I spent my 20quid today.. got the Griffin in car charger and the headphone adapter.. cost me a quid and a bit over the 20quid credit.. not too bad :)
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