iPhone - Home button now doesn't work and PC doesn't recognise it?!?

24 Oct 2002
This evening i noticed the home button no longer works on my iPhone 2G 16GB (<12 Months old).

I've hard and soft reset it with no luck. I've tried to connect it to itunes and do a backup resore but now the PC doesn't recognise it when i plug it in :(

It's jailbroken but <12 months old. I'm wary of bringing it into the apple store to fix as they might say its due to jailbreaking it?

Advice please..............................:)
restore it to apple official firmware via itunes then just take it in to the store you bought it or apple store is better?
restore it to apple official firmware via itunes then just take it in to the store you bought it or apple store is better?

Did you read the OP at all? THE PC DOESN'T RECOGNISE IT.

Definately take it to an apple store, what's the worst that can happen?
Leave it on until it's totally flat before you take it in, that way they can't charge it, they can't tell it's jailbroken ;)
cheers guys.

I went into the store yesterday after flattening the battery and they are replacing it when more come into stock. I managed to remove most traces that it was jailbroken i.e. remove themes, stack and 5 icon dock and he didn't notice

I asked if i could pay to upgrade to 3G but they said no :(
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