iPhone in Ireland?

4 Jul 2008
Belfast, N.Ireland
I am going to Ireland tomorrow for 3 days and I am wondering how many texts would one text cost on my contract? Like is it 2 texts for 1 text are something :confused:
What is data romeing down in Ireland like? how much I just really need to use google maps when I am out cause my hotel as free internet.
What is data romeing down in Ireland like? how much I just really need to use google maps when I am out cause my hotel as free internet.

Urm i think the only answer is expensive! Last time i was in the republic it cost me loads to text, call and do other random things with my phone (though i was drunk so it might not have been the best idea).

Somewhere on the o2 settings (when you call them up) you have an option of you favorite country for roaming (with i think gives you discounts) my default was spain but it might be worth having a look if you can set it as the republic...
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