iPhone Insurance -worth it?

18 Oct 2002
Is it worth taking the O2 iPhone Insurance policy - http://www.o2.co.uk/iphone/insurance for the additional £7.50 a month? Has anyone taken it out?

Does anyone know of a protection cover that can be kept on the phone while docking/syncing the phone? As the cover I have this now needs to be removed before I can sync the phone:o
Is there any other decent video conversion programs out there apart from Videora? I don't mind buying something as long as it does the job and gives great results.
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I don't think the £7.50 a month deal is too good.

After all, not much could go wrong, and it comes with a 1 year warranty anyway, so chances are you'd sell it in a year and get the new model :)
That's what I thought about it aswell, I was just curious if anyone had taken it.

Does anyone have any ideas about the protection cover that can be kept on the phone while docking/syncing the phone and video conversion program?
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