iPhone/iPad media player (specific features)

5 Feb 2009
After getting to grips more and more with my iPad and forgiving the things it can't do in favour of its lovely interface, there is one area I can't quite find what I want: a media player.

I want something that can do all of these things:
  • Stream media from PC
  • Play all types of subtitle files (.srt, .smi, .txt, .idx/.sub)
  • Play a very wide range of codecs and containers
  • Have AC3 support

So far I have several players that hit some but not all of these (e.g. Goodplayer does most of them but has no AC3 support; AVPlayerHD has most but can't play back .idx/.sub subs). The only one that does all of these is VLC Streamer, which, sadly, is a bit pants in that the playback is constantly marred by pixelation and colour degradation. I find it completely unwatchable, which is a shame since it's the only one that hits all of the above points. Is there another player I might have missed?
I use plex here, not sure if it ticks all your boxes but its been great for me on iPad/iPhone and now on apple tv3 with plex connect.
Well, I haven't yet looked into the codec/container support for either Plex or Air Video, but I can see from an initial search that neither supports .idx/.sub subtitles, which is something I am looking for.

Barring the need for this subtitle support, AVPlayerHD would pretty much do everything I need, so defintiely looking for something else that can do all of the things I'm after.
AcePlayer looks nice, yeah. Pretty much the same as Goodplayer, though - good interface, multi-format support, multi-sub support, but like Gooplayer it can't play AC3 audio, so no good I'm afraid.
Is there really nothing (apart from VLC Streamer, which is unwatchable) which will play AC3, render all subtitle formats and stream media from a PC.

(I'm kinda liking my iPad now and very much over the general frustration with Apple, but also now thinking... seriously? I could have had my pick from any of at least a dozen apps that would do this on Android...) :(
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