iPhone, iPod Touch any difference apart from the phone?

6 Sep 2005
Hi everyone

This is probably a really stupid question but I am an Apple noob, but I'm wondering what the difference between the new iPhone and an iPod Touch is.
I've Googled it but all I can come up with is articles from when they were both initially launched back in 2007 so I can't find anything that's up to date. :(

OK, so the touch can't make a phone call, but it do all the iPhone does in other respects? Are all the apps the same, the software the same, can it access the internet in the same way.

Basically...is it a useful tool to have, in the way that an iPhone might be, but a lot cheaper?

Many thanks in advance for any replies! :D
It can only access internet over wifi, which is a big disadvantage especially if you travel a lot. Also it has no camera.
The iPod touch is good if you already have a phone like an N95...

This way you get the best of both worlds, you're able to use the app store without paying thru the nose for an iphone. ;)
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