iPhone/iPod Touch Firmware 2.2 is up

27 Sep 2004
The Ledge Beyond The Edge
It is up just now.
  • Podcast downloading
  • Google Maps Street View
  • Keyboard changes -Enable caps lock, disable auto correct
  • Changes to Safari (address bar always there now :( )
  • 'Bug fixes'
Personally i think they have tweaked the keyboard input again. Maybe it is my imagination. But i used to get a lot of miss types and sometimes it just wouldn't put a space in even when i hit it. But this morning it seems really sharp.

Could be all in my head though.
Sweet, been looking forward to Podcast-downloading on the handset

Me too, it's done quite well, you just download them off the iTunes store and you can download any one you want. But there is a 10meg limit over 3g, rest need to be wifi.
Another good thing is you can delete your podcasts by doing the finger swipe :cool:
For those of you having trouble getting Street View open in Google Maps on 2.2.

1) Drop a pin somewhere, or search for a location.
2) Tap the pin to bring up the info, etc.
3) Tap this:


4) Enjoy Street View!!

Nice one, cheers
NXE is the "New Xbox Experience" for the Xbox 360. It completely transforms the 360 dashboard and enables users to install games to the 360's hard drive.

Also as mentioned. What about the iPhone 3G PAYG?

There is only 1 xbox. If they had 2 different xbox's, one which required a LIVE sub and a different xbox with some things missing, say it didn't connect to the net at all, therefore didn't allow the LIVE sub. They would only give the update for free to the LIVE sub version and not the other one, they would have to pay.

But as it is, there is only 1 hardware model for the xbox and the NXE is free as it is for one piece of hardware.
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