iPhone & iTunes Question...

18 Oct 2002
Fife, Scotland
My partners problem came when we upgraded the harddrive on the PC...
I thought that there was no point in backing up the itunes folder when i have the music stored on the iphone already, all ill need to do is sync it to get the tunes back on to the pc. Like any normal mp3 player...

Now i've discovered the iphone isnt like any normal mp3 player... Is there anyway to get the tracks off the iphone and back on to the PC without jailbreaking?

I seem to be noticing more and more restrictions with the iPhone everyday, hopefully this isnt one.

Any info on this is appreciated


I hope you get it sorted but let me assure you, this isn't an iPhone restriction. I had a similar situation with an iPod Mini a good few years ago.

Thanks mate

It's probably to do with the licensing on the music, so you don't go around to your friends house and share your tracks with them (Apple would be assuming DRM in this case).

Yea i would assume thats more to the point, but other online shops make it easier to manage your mp3 tracks.

Music Rescue v4 done the trick, you just load iTunes and Music Rescue up then plug the phone in :)

Thanks a lot Slogan, saved me some problems with the misses! :D
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