IPhone not charging from AC, but does from Car Charger.

1 Dec 2002
Could somebody shed some light on this Iphone problem:

Since upgrading iphone to firmware 3.0 it is refusing to charge from the mains, or through the USB cable, yet it charges fine using the car charger.. It seems a lot of people have similar problem since upgrading to 3.0, so might be an Apple issue, none the less, it needs to be sorted, and I take it downgrading might sort it out, but cant be done due to no USB cable connectivity.

Does anybody know if the iPhone charges differently from car and AC? Something that might explain the fact that it charges using the car charger.

Does anybody know if an Apple service dealer might be able to help, be it at a cost, to downgrade the the firmware? It wont be under any garantee as it was jailbraked as soon as it came out from the box. :) What would the cost be in that case?
My iPhone has recently stopped charging via USB & AC... wondering if it will charge in the car now! Is it into the cig lighter?
What a nightmare, same here with the jailbreak.

Yes, in cig lighter.. Apperently it charges using 10v in car, but 5 volt via usb\wall, so probably using different pins..

Subsequently my iphone died when my brother did a "deleted everything" on the iphone before giving it to me.. It now only displays the apple logo, and I am unable to go in Recovery or DFU mode, so been unable to get it working yet.. I have ordered a flex data cable from ebay just in case there is something wrong it it stopping it connecting to the PC..
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