Iphone PAYG Question

There's a very simple way, buy one on PAYG, and use a proxy sim with your vodaphone sim card.

A proxy sim is small device that sits between your phone and sim card, it tricks the phone, by proxy, into thinking it has a valid sim card in it.

I got mine for a tenner, and I'm now using my iPhone on my 3 contract sim card. A proper unlocking method has be completed and will be ready to use by the end of this year (New year's eve).

If you want an iPhone, I would suggest you get one ASAP just incase newer ones start shipping with a newer firmware. The unlock only works on certain firmwares.

Read the thread, i did buy one and it works fine with my vodafone sim an no i didn't 'get bent over' that's just what it costs in this country and if i wasn't happy with the price, i wouldn't have bought it would i?
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Uh? Ah, I didn't realise you'd posted about getting one unlocked.

I still maintain that you got bent over though :p

Are from the UK, or are you South African, if so, I'm guessing you mean than £528 is just how much they are in SA?

I got mine for £391 in the UK and used a proxy SIM, a few people have implied I got bent over for buying it at that price, £528 though? Especially when a proper unlock has just been announced too.

I'm from the UK but live in South Africa. All phones here are unlocked as it's against the law to lock them to a network. It's completely official, bought from a shop and has a years warranty

If you think I got bent over for the iPhone, i paid more for my HTC Touch Diamond and will admit I got truely rodgered over that cos it's an awful phone
I see that is fair enough but the iphone is actually available in South Africa on Vodafone/Vodacom....

Any way I don't get this thread and by the sounds of it kylew, it sounds like you want to unlock a uk phone but why bother when its available in South Africa for the network you want and unlocked, is it really more than £528 over there?

You're getting confused, sunshine. It's me that wanted the phone in South Africa. Yes, it did cost me £528 from a Vodacom shop, but it has a years warrany and is factory unlocked, so i can use it with my Vodafone sim or Vodacom sim or whatever sim i want to put in it without having to mess about with jailbreaking or unofficial hacks.
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