iPhone PAYG

18 Oct 2002
At the moment I have a cheap Nokia on PAYG, I roughly spend about £15 a month on top-up. I would like to get an iPhone but it seems like continuing with PAYG would be the best option. Is it worth buying a iPhone on PAYG?

I am finding it hard to find anywhere which has one in stock, would it be worth waiting until the end of January to get one to see if there are any updates at the start of the year?

What is the best insurance to go for when on PAYG?

Would it work out cheaper even if you factor in;

1) You're not getting any free texts or minutes
2) You only have free data for the first 12 months

Maybe you'd be better off buying second hand and unlocking it

I get a certain amount of free texts with PAYG on o2 at the moment anyway if keep topping up each month (it used to be minimum £10 - not sure if it still applies)?

Just phoned o2 and my average for the last eight months is just under £30 a month! Slightly more than I expected I pay per month. Contract seems the best option now. My only worry is you only get 125 texts per month on the £30 tarrif.
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