Iphone price has dropped!

They have sold 1 million of them, doubt its due to problems selling :)

What else could it possible be exactly? Sony have done the exact same thing to the ps3, it's sold a lot more than the iphone but that doesn't mean it's selling well compared to what they expected.
And why would they get rid of it if it was meeting their sales expectations? In a business you would never put the price of a product like the iphone down unless you werent meeting sales targets. There really isn't any other product designed for the same type of customer so there's no competition issues that would require them to do this.
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Hardly, if you want people to ever buy from you again you have to do it. $100 that has to be spent on apple products (can you even buy anything apple for that little? :p) isn't that good compared to the full cash difference that microsoft gave it's xbox customers.
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