iphone problem PLEASE HELP!

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8 May 2004
I have an EXTREMELY irritating problem where my iphone wont work properly with the phone part

It wont hang up calls and when I press the phone button it displays the keypad for a few seconds then it goes away, however it wont let me press the keys

When making a call my iphone goes to menu mode and then says 'touch to return to call', but it wont do anything!?!?

Please help this is an extreme annoyance and I feeling like throwing it across the room!
Don't have a screen protector on it do you? I found mine worked really weirdly when I had a plastic screen protector as part of my case.
Nope it doesnt

It is the phone feature that seems faulty.

The phone calls from my contacts list, but I cant get it to dial, hang up or do anything from the moment I make a call it goes to the home screen.

Something is wrong, but I cant understand what?! :S

Please help!
The restore seems to have fixed it and I gather it appears to be a problem with Cydia.

I will still be reinstalling Cydia anyway, but not doing the update (which apparently causes problems)
I'm running 2.2.1 with the latest cydia without any problems so it must have been an add on, let us know which one it was if you figure it out :)
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