iPhone purchased from O2, taking it to Apple store for support/replacement?

28 Nov 2008
I have a problem with my iPhone (and I was just about to sell it :(). It is still under warranty. I bought it from O2.

I called them up and they said the only thing I can do is take it into an O2 store who will pass it onto Apple for me for repair. It can take up to 14 days.

I cannot be doing with that (what happened to them sending a courier out with a replacement phone in exchange for the broken one). Can I just take it into an Apple store, have a 'Genius' (lol) check it out and perhaps replace it?

Thanks :)

FYI, I have two faults - one is incredibly intermittent, which is where the phone seems to stop detecting the SIM card randomly. Give it a shake about, and it is good to go. Second fault is that it is losing charge incredibly quickly. I guess I can demonstrate fault #2 easily enough, but not fault #1.
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