iPhone question

5 Jun 2007
Just a quicked.

Ive got an O2 contract in my current phone.
If i bought an iPhone 3G off of ebay and whacked my sim into it would it work?

As long as the iPhone is locked to the o2 network or is unlocked - then yes...

Also - you posted in General Discussion :p So... *Passes coat* Get out!
I bought my iphone for pay as you go - hate contracts :p

I hope you got it jailbroken? love my iphone - jail broke it and now its 10x the sexzor....

I can track my phone if it gets lost or stolen, use it as a remote for my htpc (like control mouse and use as keyboard), song recognition, check my webcams in home from anywhere in the world, turn pc off/on, good voice dialer, video streaming, london underground status notifier, portable hard drive, text editor, translator, and LOOOADS more....

best phone I've ever had.

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Buy my iPhone 3G when the next model is released in the new year.

Garaunteed to work on 02 then ;)
i bought a special o2 iphone payg sim card from ebay for £17. It come with Free 12 month wifi + GPRS data + £10. No need to top up, the internet stay with me for 12month.

These sim are original that came with the iphone. so msn stay on for 24/7 =)

search o2 sim payg iphone
it has to be the one with Red star.
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