iPhone Question

Yeah I just read that push works. Not bothered with the visual voicemail or free wifi spots. With the quidco from o2 (£100) and Apple (£13) this seems like a no brainer. Anyway, I've just ordered my sim from o2 just need to order the iPhone.
If my maths is right

Your choice - 19.58 * 18 + 440 = 792 - 100 cashback = £692
Contract - 35 * 18 + 100 = 730 - 50 cashback = £680

If you're going to keep the phone for 18 months, contract is prob cheaper....

My choice 19.58 * 18 + 440 = 792.44 - 100 cashback o2, 13 quid apple = around 680.
Contract - 35 * 18 + 185 = 815 - 60 cashback = 755

But strictly speaking my contract is only for 12 months.
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