iphone qustion

18 Oct 2002
Is there any way to install a flash plugin into safari? Id prefer to be able to log into my youtube account to access my favourites etc, currently the youtube button just lets you search with no login options. Just wondering if all i have to do is dload the plugin over safari and say its a g3 cpu mac or what?
I'm not sure if theres a hack. All I know is it wont be as straightforward as downloading a plugin and installing. Sorry. :(
Suckage =/ You'd think for all their shouting about it having the "proper" internet that plugins would be easy to install.
1 reason.

Flash is a killer on battery life.. hence one of the reasons that the YouTube videos on the iPhone are all going h.264 (I know, quality too :p)

I'm betting someone will do a flash plugin for the iPhone once the SDK is out.
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