[iPhone] recommend me an app that does skype with push + 3G Compatible!

12 Feb 2004
so im looking for a decent skype client for my iphone. Im not sure if one actually exists with the features i want.

must do push notifications and also work on 3G (most require Wifi only)

ive tried Fring with the 3G hack but it doesn't work too well and crashes all the time.

ive tried nimbuzz, truphone but no good.

any others that you know off?

As far as we know its a limit in place by Apple/AT&T/O2 who do not want people voip calling over their data network which costs them money and saves you money.

I know applications like IM+ for Skype work with push but only on wifi are you allowed to make voice calls.
The 1st release of Skype for iPhone works fine. They patched it though pretty quick but its not compulsary to update it.

So im lucky because i can use it over 3G and Edge and Wifi :) Fantastic!

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