iPhone - removing the sim?

18 Jan 2007
Hi guys, I just received my iPhone (just as I was leaving the house to go to work) and upon looking very quickly at the instructions, you need some sort of tool to get the sim card out?

The phone was an upgrade so I have to put my old o2 3G sim in. I've looked through the box and I can't see the tool as shown in the instructions. Do I need this or can I just use a random bit of wire? I don't want to break it!

Apologies if this is a retarded question.
A straighten paperclip will do it.

Have a look on the underside of the black booklet-box thing ;)
It was a mixture of rushing to get to work, and excitment. I should've brought it with me.

Will try when I get home :) Thanks.
The iPhone 3G should come with a sim removal tool i think. Its in the part where all the manuals and instructions are kept. On the piece of card they come wrapped in.
Managed to get it with a paper clip, just took a while longer to get it out. I've checked the black envelope, it wasn't there. I might contact o2 and have them send me one, just incase! Can't wait to start using this :)
It's not in the envelope, it's on the back?

Nope, wasn't there- i've checked a few times, hasn't fallen out into the box. I think the only thing in that envelope was the polish cloth.

Youll love it :D

I've only just sent a few txts, added in all my numbers, set up some alarms and had a quick look at safari and love it already!

Quick question: After setting it up how I like it, i've just realised I need to get iPhone 2.2. How do I go about backing up contacts and my settings etc? Or does the software do this automatically?
Everything will stay as it is when you update the firmware.

The iPhone will also back itself up every time you plug it in.
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