iPhone ringtone + upgrade question.

12 Jan 2008
Ok, so I bought my iPhone from a friend of mine who just did not like it and I decided to go with an O2 simplicity plan with unlimited web bolt on.

I was just wondering, when Apple bring out the updated iPhone, would the original contract payer be able to 'trade-in' this iPhone for the newer version? Also, would he have to run the full 18 month contract before upgrading? For example, say the newer iPhone came out in 5 months - would I need to wait the full 18 months before he has the option to upgrade the iPhone?

Also.. what ringtone are you using with your iPhone as they seem very quiet and im beginning to miss calls because I can't hear the phone when it is in my jeans pocket :p

I would assume the original contract of the phone (if it was a contract) was with o2, so it would be them dealing with the upgrade and I can't see them offering a free upgrade as soon as a new version is released, you would have to see out the term of the original contract.

In terms of ringtones, are you sure you have the ringer volume turned up? :p
Alternatively create your own, its easy enough to do and there are plenty of guides around on the internet.
might sound silly but make sure the phone is upside down in your pocket! I make sure mine has the speaker pointing upwards just incase I dont feel it vibrate I tend to hear most of the time :)
No chance of a trade-up when the new one is released.

However, Apple / 02 did let the iPhone 2G customers upgrade to a 3G handset, providing the contract was restarted from scratch. Not sure what will happen if they bumped the iPhone to 32GB.

I'm using the Mario Bros Theme, works well for me as I usually feel it vibrating or it's on a desk. You could try making a high-pitched custom tone that will cut through the background noise??
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