18 Oct 2002
Anyone using their iPhone for nav?

I have been using the NavFree app and was initially very pleased with it (free) but lately it has been stuck on 'poor GPS' and basically refuses to work at least 60% of the time. I am considering purchasing TomTom or similar but wondered if the problems I am seeing are simply the, maybe, inferior GPS receiver on the 3GS?

I'd be interested to hear anyone elses experiences with any nav software on the iPhone, 3G/3GS in particular :)
Postcodes are a free addon I believe, it's the cameras you gotta pay for :D

I'm glad you aint having problems, maybe it's just my phone.
The one thing that is niggling at me though is that whenever NavFree does its 'Poor GPS' and just stops working, if I close it and fire up, say, Google maps, the GPS works fine on that? I've tried everything to rebooting the phone and sometimes, it takes hours to come back.
This happened once in London, in rush hour!

I'm grabbing Skobbler now, cheers for the headsup :D
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