Hi all
The better half is having a problem with her iPhone - the screen on the phone doesn't work, (no functionality, no visuals) but the functionality of the phone itself is still in tact - she can still receive calls for example. Is this most likely to be a virus? I had a quick search on Google and on this forum, but most cases of broken screens are people dropping their iPhones! She says that the screen "broke" when she tried to log into IM - upon logging in the screen stopped working.
Can't take it back to the Apple Shop because she's in China, where there is no official Customer Services - if you guys could put forward some suggestions as to this then it'd be infinitely helpful. (only place to go there is 3rd-party shops) I'm fairly sure the phone is a 2nd gen, 8gb one. (not 100% as I don't own anything Apple myself!)
The better half is having a problem with her iPhone - the screen on the phone doesn't work, (no functionality, no visuals) but the functionality of the phone itself is still in tact - she can still receive calls for example. Is this most likely to be a virus? I had a quick search on Google and on this forum, but most cases of broken screens are people dropping their iPhones! She says that the screen "broke" when she tried to log into IM - upon logging in the screen stopped working.
Can't take it back to the Apple Shop because she's in China, where there is no official Customer Services - if you guys could put forward some suggestions as to this then it'd be infinitely helpful. (only place to go there is 3rd-party shops) I'm fairly sure the phone is a 2nd gen, 8gb one. (not 100% as I don't own anything Apple myself!)