Hia guys, ok so I had 2 iphones at one point, both 16gb black, but one was payg, the other was on contract.
I sold one which turned out to be the contract one. Now I have had the one I kept stolen on holiday.
So I rang o2 today and they say im not covered as the wrong phone is being insured blah blah.
Basically is my only option to try and claim on house insurance? My parents hate doing this and every time they try we seem to get shafted. Maybe the the insurance on my uni flat will be better.
I also heard some banks give you phone insurance, does anyone know whether hsbc or natwest student accounts offer this?
I sold one which turned out to be the contract one. Now I have had the one I kept stolen on holiday.
So I rang o2 today and they say im not covered as the wrong phone is being insured blah blah.
Basically is my only option to try and claim on house insurance? My parents hate doing this and every time they try we seem to get shafted. Maybe the the insurance on my uni flat will be better.
I also heard some banks give you phone insurance, does anyone know whether hsbc or natwest student accounts offer this?