iphone - Stop it remembering

2 Nov 2004
Milton Keynes
Is there anyway to start a fresh everytime an app is opened?
I dont want to see the last internet page I viewed, last calculation I made etc
you can clear history for internet... but i dont think you can tell the iphone to stop remembering like your last viewed page when you closed safari last. same goes for calculator and maps etc.

maybe if some1 knows if you can id like to know 2
When using Safari I always leave a tab open with the address about:blank

When I browse a new page, I create a new tab, browse as I wish, then close it before exiting Safari.

This then makes it reload the "about:blank" page, rather than a full web-page.
I created a google bookmark and now use that for the browser which is what I wanted.

Looks like a dead end with the rest of it though.
I find it so strange that its setup this way.
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