iPhone sync....whhhhhhhhhhhhy?

13 Jan 2004
South East
I just got a new laptop at work and I have installed iTunes, and downloaded a couple of new apps.

I plug in my iPhone so that I can put them on there but when I try to sync it says:


To me, this suggests that it will delete all my apps that are currently on the phone.

If this is the case, WHYY? How ****ing ridiculous!!!
You can only sync your iPhone/iPod with one installation of iTunes, it's always been that way.

On my old work laptop though I was able to sync apps, not music. So I don't understand why suddenly it doesn't let me do it.

Goto Applications tab when selecting your iphone in itunes, choose synch the following apps and only pick the ones you want and that should do the job.

However, i usually leave all the ones currently on there ticked as well just in case it only copies those over!

Don't know why they choose to do it like this but that method works for me.

As soon as I tick the box to sync applications it comes up with that message.

I have just tried transferring purchases to my library, and it has done this, but only ones I have paid for. So I fear that if I continue I'll lose all of my free apps and have to download again, or that I'll be left with the same problem but on my home PC.

Why do you Apple have to make everything so difficult with stuff like this?

EDIT: Ignore that bit, it has trasnferred all the free ones as well. I'll give it a go and hope it's ok. I bet it screws up!

EDIT: Seems to be ok now, I just had to transfer all apps from phone to library, then click sync applications when that message appeared (the one posted above) and it seems to have kept all old apps.

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