Iphone v1 warranty woes

20 Jun 2004
I'm on my 3rd Iphone now within just over the last year- the first 2 both developed screen bubbles (a known fault if you browse the net) and now my 3rd has gone the same way, with 2 small bubbles in the middle of the screen being visible.

Now in the past I have managed to walk in the apple shop and get a replacement straight away... but I have just checked on the website and it would appear the phone is not in warranty anymore. Obviously I'm pretty annoyed by the fact this is the 3rd phone to be faulty over a relatively short period of time- is there anyway (now that I am not covered by warranty) to demand another replacement / refund / free repair?

I don't particularly want an iphone v1 again as they have all gone wrong but I understand this is alsmost definately not an option. Will I be likely to get a replacement once again however? Isn't there a trading standards act that covers a faulty series of items?
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