iPhone warranty question.

6 Aug 2004
I bought my iPhone on 19th April and it has produced a dead pixel! (well a stuck green one)

So after a month of having it, what are my options? Id ideally like a replacement, but do i send it to apple or the O2 store ?

Whats my best bet? Also its jailbroken so do i just do a restore before i send it off? Will iTunes keep ALL of my settings etc as a backup ?

Thanks fellow iPhoners.
Yes, when you sync iTunes performs a backup.

Also, just do a recovery-restore / normal restore and flash it back to a factory state. I'd contact Apple direct, as O2 will likely just pass the buck, but you could always try them.. worth a shot if the store will do a swap (which you'll be lucky until the new version!)

Have you got any fast-paced movies/video that might unstick the pixel?
I never heard of the fast paced movie thing but ill try it :)

Ive tried to massage it but that didnt help. Bright green still :p

What do you mean by flash it back to a normal state? I used bootneuter (sp?) and that put the bootload back to normal.
I never heard of the fast paced movie thing but ill try it :)

Ive tried to massage it but that didnt help. Bright green still :p

What do you mean by flash it back to a normal state? I used bootneuter (sp?) and that put the bootload back to normal.
So long as the bootloader is 4.6 (which it should be if you've used Bootneuter successfully) you can use iTunes to just restore it to an unactivated state :)
Thanks for your help.

I have just been on the Apple website and gone to the repair section. Once i enter my serial number it tells me my iPhone has not been activated.

Does that matter ? Is there anyway they can find out i dont use the iPhone £35 18month contract ?

EDIT: Just phoned Apple and they said they cannot setup a repair if i dont have an O2 contract. They said to take it to an O2 store but the problem is its got marks on the corners so they will know its been used and ask me my contract details and number etc.

Looks like im stuck with it :(
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Hmm looks like apple and o2 are clamping down then.

Shame :(

Looks like you are stuck with it matey, did you try the flashing colour move suggested above?

That may kick it into life, its not a dead pixel its classed as a stuck one. So there is a chance you may get lucky.
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