iPhone web apps

20 Aug 2007
hi there,
I've just noticed a new bookmark in my safari bookmarks on my iPod touch. It links to an apple web page where you can seemingly install these 'web applications' onto your iPod touch/iPhone. Does anyone have an idea what this might be? I'm guessing it could be something to to with the sdk or am I being silly and this has been around for ages? :p

Been around since the launch of the iPhone / iPod Touch

They're essentially apps that use the web browser to run, not true apps (in that sense).

Firmware 1.1.3 added the link in the browser bookmarks, and also added the ability to add apps/ web pages to the home screen.

Some of my favourites (that have a iPhone-friendly icon) include;

http://www.google.com/m (Google, but ties in nicely with your gmail account, and is optimised for the iPhone UI)

http://www.tuaw.com (The Unofficial Apple Webblog, rumor site with it's own icon)

http://www.macrumors.com (Mac Rumors, same as above)

http://www.bigbucketblog.com/webtomatometer/ (Rotten Tomatoes, Tomatometer app with swanky UI for iPhone)
Other than those I suggested ^ then you can try iMundu (instant messenger) and the Bejewelled web app.

Both can be found on the Apple Web App page.
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