
13 Jan 2003
This will be for personal use.. my requirements are simple and I was just wondering if any of you have managed with them:

1. Voice & Voicemail - a must
2. SMS - a must, the current lady friend is SMS crazy
3. MMS once in a blue moon so not that important
4. Mobile web - a must and should be able to access websites with SSL etc such as banks/credit cards. Current work blackberry has Edge so I'm used to that speed at least.
5. Must sync with Mail, iCal and AddressBook. Safari bookmarks and iTunes a bonus - additional bonus points for OTA with
6. Must be able to use home wifi for web if in range automatically and use that for syncing with the mac..
7. Should, at a push, allow mac to access internet via phone - infrequent but very useful.

Will the current iPhone do the above? Otherwise I may look at other phones and forget the Apple sync..
I see MobileMe is effectively an Mail/AddressBook/iCal service that your mac(s) and iPhone then sync to.. all for an additional £58/year.. I use my own domain for email so the fact that it can do that (ie not delete the emails on the email server is a must as my MBP can then download it). I suppose the calendar/contact sync is easy enough via wifi..

Hmm probably get away with wifi sync - I hate cradles, just more junk on your desk and if you need to sync the MBP and phone away from your desk you need to transport yet more junk.. mobile my ass!
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Last question :)

With O2 there are two options - Pay-as-you-go and normal pay-monthly contract. Is there any difference in service offered? With Pay-as-you-go can you change the SIM (as you pay for the phone up front)? I assume the post-pay is sim-locked.

Doing the calculations I see you get absolutely raped on the Pay-as-you-go..
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So where did you folks get yours? Any difference in service options?

I'm assuming either O2 online/instore or Apple online/instore?
Not sure I'm too worried about video calling. After all the phone network has to support it so this will be the first drop of it and it'll probably be a pain to use initially. Not too fussed on video calling mates..
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