iPhone's Dying

14 Dec 2005
This is a sad post :(, but hopefully someone might be able to diagnose the problem!

iPhone 3G 16GB, latest firmware, not JailBroken or Unlocked, had it since launch week. :p

About a week ago, it completely locked up. No combination of buttons could bring any light to the screen (and no it wasn't battery!), but it vibrated when it got a text. Ringing it went straight to answer-phone. After about half an hour of pressing home and lock for varying lengths and ringing it, it came back to life. :confused:

On Friday when I turned it on, it came up showing that it needed to be plugged into iTunes and was saying (in eleventy million languages) that it could do SOS calls only. As I was at school, and didn't have an iPod lead with me, I rebooted it various times and it then booted up fine but saying it needed to verify it was activated. After 3 minutes it came up saying that yep it is activated.

Half an hour ago it's gone black again, not responding to any buttons. I rung it and it came back to life (screen awake like normal and rang etc), but after the call ended it died again.
Rung it again, this time it rang, but no screen. And I couldn't answer it.
Just plugged it into iTunes, iPhone made the bleep noise but screen's still dead. iTunes seemed to think everything was normal and synced and backup'd fine but I still cant do anything on the iPhone :'(

So...... ideas anyone?

Hold the home button until it goes back to the lock screen. Could be 10-15 seconds...


Just tried that, and it doesn't respond to it at all.... waited about 30 seconds before giving up :(
Tried it with it stand-alone, and when plugged into iTunes (it made the beep so it's definitely running) after it had synced, and neither worked.
Well I did a restore. The screen worked during the firmware flash, and is currently working for the "Sync in Progress"....

So is this a common error? Or is mine special and likely to act up again?
Sometimes it spazs out :(

I find a hard reset (home + power until it reboots) does the trick, though.
TY for the ideas :)

Today it's been working fine, so it's just wait and see what's it like the next few days....

@ EVH: Yea that was my first idea, but it wasn't responding even after holding them for both ~1min :confused:.

@ andy@moFo: I couldn't live with over a day of no mobile phone! (Typical teenager tbh!)

If they do need to get replaced under the warranty who do we contact? (Is it O2 warrnty'ing the product they sold, or Apple the manufacturer?)
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