iPod Album Art

21 Feb 2004
Hi, have recently acquired a 2gen Touch, and very nice it is too.

However, when I add some songs on iTunes, it can't locate the Album Art - ie for "obscure" songs.

Is there an alternative place to download these, and then where would I paste them? Thanks!
search for them on amazon, then save the image somewhere. in itunes click get info on the tracks and the click on the white square where the image should be. locate the image that you dowloaded then click apply.
Or a quicker process from above, you can do the Get Info on tracks and drag and drop it on the Album Artwork Square, save browsing and saving etc.
to keep things tidy, reinstalls etc, I stick the jpg in the same folder as the tracks and name it folder.jpg
then windows shows it in explorer too :)
then add it to itunes as per above
to keep things tidy, reinstalls etc, I stick the jpg in the same folder as the tracks and name it folder.jpg
then windows shows it in explorer too :)
then add it to itunes as per above
Remember folder jpgs are not embedded in the tracks unless you do it through itunes. Also Automatically downloaded artwork is not either, so i wont show in other programs.
I had problems where I'd added a load of artwork manually. I was still a few short so I grabbed the demo of CoverScout 3. It found loads more than I expected so I contacted the authors to find out why. It turns out that iTunes doesn't embed the art properly (I confirmed this by trying some tracks in Windows). I bought CoverScout and it does a fantastic job, it goes and finds the best art available and embeds it properly.
I had problems where I'd added a load of artwork manually. I was still a few short so I grabbed the demo of CoverScout 3. It found loads more than I expected so I contacted the authors to find out why. It turns out that iTunes doesn't embed the art properly (I confirmed this by trying some tracks in Windows). I bought CoverScout and it does a fantastic job, it goes and finds the best art available and embeds it properly.

Yes, iTunes won't embed artwork that it auto-finds.

This is noticable if you have backed up the music, and had to do a restore; all the manually added artwork will show up, whereas iTunes will need to "go out" and fetch the covers again.

Annoying sometimes as it will find the correct artwork, then 6 months down the line when you reformat it will magically say it can't find it, or will import some spanish equivalent :o
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