Ipod car Charger

10 May 2004
East Yorkshire, UK

Is there any difference between a "3 ipod car charger i have found, or a £20 car charger, what I want is a charger that charges my music in car whilst I can listen to music through it, so when its charging im never without music?

Which player have you got?

If it's a nano(second gen) or the latest Classic/Nano, then you're abit stuffed as those charge you find may block the headphone-out socket.
Ive got a standered player in the new vauxhall corsas
and a 5G Video 60gb Ipod

I assume by means of standard player, it's an extra 3.5mm plus cord for you to attach your music player to?

If so, the 5G Video iPod should work as it's got the headphone socket on the top (correct me if I'm wrong). You can simply just plus in the card charger you get off the bay whilst listening.

There is no real different between non-OEM and Apple's official one (which cost like 4 to 8 times more).
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