IPOD Dilemma

30 Dec 2003
Can anyone help re Ipod classic dilemma, my pc got corrupted the other day when in amongst other things all my itunes library got deleted now I'm fearful that when I plug back in to charge it will delete what's on the pod as well, is my fear well founded and is there a way round it?

Any advice gratefully received
senuti or music rescue will both do it :)

The new iTunes WON'T resync your iPod with a new machine without your permission, so just say no, run senuti/music rescue which will put your music back into iTunes, then sync it. It'll delete it all and put the same stuff back on.
Thanks for that, in the meantime on my old machine the i tunes app is there but empty will it delete it I plug back in if even if I just to recharge?
Like PardonTheWait said, it'll ask you when you plug in a new iPod if you want to sync it - just click no :)

If you want to be totally safe, close iTunes, open up Task Manager (with all processes shown) and kill ipodservice.exe. This stops iTunes being opened when an iPod is plugged in.
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