Ipod FM transmitter for car's audio system

30 Sep 2004
City of Rain
hi guys , hope I posted in the rite forums :p

well, Ive been asked to buy an Ipod nano and a FM transmitter for my gf's father and he wants to use it with his car (Mercedes C240 IIRC). After some searching, Ive came across with this three transmitters from Belkin:

1. Belkin TuneBase™ FM for iPod® nano (around 65 quid)

2. Belkin TuneFM™ for iPod® nano (around 43 quid)

3. Belkin TuneCast II Mobile FM Transmitter (around 27 quid)

Im a noob at this kind of stuffs so please help me :) is 1 really worth 20 quid extra over 2? has anyone used any of this before? are they any good? or you have any other suggestions?

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thanks for the input guys :)

btw, after abit more google searching, Im pretty much down to 2 transmitters below:

1. Griffin iTrip Auto (43 quid incl RMSD)
2. Road Trip!+ (30 quid incl RMSD)

from this review here: http://www.ipodobserver.com/story/24960/
it seems that the RoadTrip provides slightly better sound (due to its ability to use the optimal 87.9Mhz freq?) but I do like the look of the iTrip auto and from the support page (http://www.griffintechnology.com/support/article.php?artnum=51) the iTrip is also able to change to INTL mode (allow to broadcast to frequencies between 76.0 and 90.0). Although its more expensive, the iTrip seems to be more flexible and nicer than the RoadTrip!+ :) so what you guys think?

@DRZ and others who concern about the legal issue, this unit wont be used in the UK but thanks for letting me know though :)
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dmpoole said:
Personally I would pay the extra and go for something like this -


I've tried the transmitters and they're not that good.
I haven't tried the above but its actually wired in through the aeriel.

thanks for the suggestion mate :) have done abit of reading on that but it seems too "complicated", might not work with some cars and kinda expensive :p

after another hour of reading and searching, I found the Kensington Digital FM Transmitter/Auto Charger which scores A- at iLounge (http://ilounge.com/index.php/review...al-fm-transmitter-auto-charger-for-ipod-ipod/) compare to B+ of the iTrip auto (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/re...uto-fm-transmitter-and-charger-for-ipod-ipod/)

now..decision..decision :S

anyone has used the Kensington before?
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