Ipod Lost in Post Sending back to Apple

18 Oct 2002
Sandwich, Kent
My Ipod classic stopped working properly, so I went on the Apple website to get it fixed under warranty.

They sent a box to return it in. I put it in it, and UPS came and picked it up.

Thats the last I saw of it. When I look on Apples status page it says its at the 'box sent' stage. So I presume they havent received my Ipod. :mad:

What on earth am I supposed to do now. How do you contact Apple other than their automated system. :(
Unfortunately Apples automated system is pants.

I wouldn't worry about it as they should have it and get it back to you in no time. :)
I've had to send 2 faulty ipods back, and i got them back within 5 working days. If they dont have it by next week, something must be up. Apple are brilliant when it comes to customer service.
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