Ipod mini - what Generation to get

5 Nov 2002
The wife is wanting a mini ipod what generation should we be looking at buying? Would be a 4gb model as the 6gb seem to be around £170 on ebay.
Erm... the mini is bigger and has less features... it is also discontinued, so you're buying second hand, which is fine but with such an item you're going to have no chance of recompense if anything goes wrong 3 months down the line... :confused:

Go for a nano, or go for another brand (Creative etc). :)
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Mini is also reputed to have the worst sound quality of practically all iPods, ever. Personally I'd either just settle for 2GB, or save up a bit more (And maybe use the Apple Educational store if you have kids / know someone who can use it)
I am trying to convince her to get a creative mini but she's mad & stubborn (a dangerous combo I think you will agree)
Does she really need 4GB? Can't you just convince her to make do with 2GB instead? :p

PS. In the end, you'll probably regret convincing her to get something other than what she wants anyway - she'll very likely remind you she wanted something else at every opportunity should anything go wrong (or indeed when nothing's actually wrong, but she just feels like having a whinge) :p
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