Ipod Question

27 Nov 2002
My mate doesnt have a computer so i put his music on his ipod for him,but recently i had to format my hard drive and the last i done this when i put in the itunes etc for his ipod as soon as i plugged the ipod in it instantly formatted it,leaving my to put all the albums on again one by which took some time,,,,,,,so is there a way to stop the ipod from formatting as i dont want to put all the albums back on again one by one.........cheers for any replies
Manual Update?

Hmm not that I know of.......you might try and go into the options and put it on manual update. That way the i-Pod will not automatically start to erase all the files on the i-Pod. Im not sure how the i-pod will cope with copying the files back to the pc. I would imagine apple would have you by the short and curlies there, one way data transfer only. I think you can set the i-pod up as a data storage device so effectively it is a portable HD. Though I think you needed to have this done prior to i-pod set up. Im no pod genius so there might be a work around though I wouldn't bank on it.

this is the reason why i dont own an ipod i use an iriver i hate the way the pod is set up and much it is a pain to add and remove albums/single songs etc
There are a few freeware programs that are available for getting data from your ipod, as mentioned the easiest way to not loose your music is to set it up for manual update, like I have.

I reckon your best bet for retrieving music from your ipod is looking for a program called ephpod. Its freeware and does the job very easily, or if your feeling flush then there is copypod but if IIRC it costs around $20.
can you use these programs without installing the ipod software beforehand or an i gonna have touse it after the ipod has been formatted and then all the music put back on
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