iPod software?

18 Oct 2002
Lo all,

Does anybody know of any software that can get MP3's off an iPod?

As if I were to format/lose all of my MP3s, as soon as I plug in my iPod it will sync with iTunes and erase them all from it, so there must be some software somewhere that can be used to get the MP3s.

Anybody any ideas?

If you don't mind paying a little ($25 iirc) then Anapod Explorer is by far and away the best peice of Ipod management software around.
Supports just about any function you can think of, not just the syncing and removal of files.

yea, anapod is nice

I think in trial mode you can also take mp3s off, and its free

I may be wrong though.
Who needs software, simply click on the ipod in explorer.

Tools/Folder Options

View tab

Select show hidden files.

hey presto you can now navigate the folders containing the music.
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