Ipod Touch and Quickpwn

6 Nov 2005
Is this safe?

Are there any horror stories about it going wrong?

Is it easy to reverse if something bad happens?

If anything goes wrong you can just restore your iPod via iTunes. The worst thing that can happen is you get to lose all iPod contents upon restore.
But as this is all stored in iTunes I take it all your songs, videos & apps etc are just put back on how they were?
If your worried about losing your contacts etc etc, then just run a full back up before jailbreaking.

When I have JB my phone and others, the iTunes music was never deleted from the iPhone, neither was any of the photos, contacts, messages etc. The phone was just in the same state as it was before. But if you are still worried, then to your question, yes, as long as you have a recent backup & also your music is in your Library, then you can sync once jailbroken to load everything back on, but I highly doubt you'll lose stuff when JB.

Tbh, Jailbreaking is the EASIEST hack known to man, aslong as you locate the right QuickPwn for your firmware, its a case of loading up the QuickPwn, and following the on screen instructions.


1. Make sure your phone is connected
2. Click Next
3. Hold the home button for 5 seconds
4. Hold home and power button for 20 seconds
5. Let go of the power button and hold home for 10 seconds
6. Let go of all buttons
7. Click next
8. Job done

If you dont think you can do that, then i'd be worried. :D
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As said JB'ing is a piece of cake lasting about 2mins in total. Too many people are put off by it by hearing mostly rubbish about 'dead' iPhones as a result of JB'ing. That isn't really the case and if you've duffed up your phone (highly unlikely) then you really have gone wrong at some point.

My ex runs a JB'd touch and even managed that on her own and she's daft! (shhh). You won't loose your present content - nothing was ever removed from the five phones I've JB'd for people, and nothing should ever be removed - the system just doesn't work in that manner.
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