Ipod Touch G1 vs G2?

12 Sep 2006
I've managed surprisingly to come into a 16Gb iPod Touch G1 for what I think is a fair price. I didn't realise there were two generations though, and now I'm considering if an upgrade is worth it.

I like Bluetooth, but probably wouldn't use BT headphones. I won't miss the external volumes controls enough to warrant the tradeup cost. I'm ambivalent about the external speaker. I think that's all the functional changes.

I plan to use it for checking emails in the house, or quick browsing rather than using the PC, to listen to music and watch ripped TV/movies. I also plan to use it as a network remote for my SqueezeNetwork (a Boom). Maybe GPS, is that on the G1?

For these uses, will the higher specc'ed CPU/RAM of a G2 make much difference to me?

P.S. Sorry if these are basic questions, but I haven't even plugged it in yet :(

Edit: P.P.S my first post in the Apple forum, I've never owned an Apple Product before!
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Ah, you're right. Google Maps just uses cells to triangulate your position (so a nogo on the Touch then).
It was a nice-to-have anyway :)
hanks, I didn't know that. I have purchased the G1 already though (before the OP!), however for my uses at the mo it's pot on. iPeng for my Boom is well cool!
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