iPod touch + last.fm - Any solutions?

11 Oct 2004
(I didn't really know where to put this but I thought that this forum would have the best audience)

I've got a 16GB first gen iPod touch and I'm having trouble finding a way to scrobble to my last.fm account.

With the v1.x firmware and some jailbreaking, MobileScrobbler used to work brilliantly. Unfortunately, MobileScrobbler isn't available for v2.x firmware releases and the apps that have replaced it (Scrobble and Scrobbled) simply don't work for me. Perhaps they're aimed at iPhone users only?

I tried downloading the official last.fm client to my PC (Vista x64). It scrobbles my iTunes songs fine but won't scrobble tracks from my iPod touch. It seems to detect the iPod touch but then doesn't do anything useful.

Has anyone had any success scrobbling from their iPod touch using the v2.2 firmware and iTunes v8.0.2? Got any tips to share?

The Last.fm desktop client has been flakey about scrobbling tracks from a device with recent versions of iTunes.

I was having the same problem in OS X. It works perfectly now, but I can't remember what I did to fix it. I think I maybe downloaded a beta version of the desktop client from a link on the Last.fm forums.

The official app doesn't scrobble tracks because Apple doesn't allow 3rd party apps to run as background services. All it does is play your last.fm radio.

Apparently the v1.5.3 last.fm client fixes the issues people have been having with scrobbling tracks from the iPhone/iPod touch but they haven't released this version for Windows. :(

I also tried iSproggler but that doesn't work either. Looks like I'll either have to install iTunes 7.6 or restore my iPod touch to v1.4. Lame.
I like it, but it needs to be built in to iTunes, ideally.

I don't like the standalone app, and as pointed out above it won't scrobble tracks that are played through the iPod app.

I actually didn't realise that until I checked it.. I must have always just selected the "recommended" radio station :o

Coversutra has the right idea.
I've been using scrobbler off cydia seems to be working fine here. But as you say it might only be for iPhone users to work properly :/
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