iPod Touch or Archos 605?

3 Jun 2003
I want an mp3 player with a good screen to watch videos on, 8GB+ memory, that can take a memory card to expand that memory and wifi+browser.

On paper it looks like both the iPod Touch and the archos 605 have this, with the iPod winning on looks. (And I think its slimmer).

I'd like to know which one you guys rate higher?

I have some reservations about the way Apple's software tends to work, like not just letting you use the storage on the player as a drive on your PC and just dragging files in, but maybe things have moved on since the original iPods, or theres good 3rd party software to address that. Please enlighten me!

Thanks in advance for any replies.
Hmm well I had assumed the dimensions of the Archos were similar to the Touch, but its substantially larger, while the touch is small enough. In fact, I think I am just going to save up more and get an iPhone, which is just like a Touch but with phone. My only possible issue with that is it has to be open, not for a particular network, because none of the major providers operate in Gibraltar. We have a good old monopoly with just one local provider, Gibtelecom, which of course is too small for any company to do contract phones with them.
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