iPod Touch Problem - Music

5 Oct 2004
The South, United Kingdom
I have recently bought a ipod touch and after a quick set up and synced 1200 or so tracks onto it I was ready to go. I played with the applications and they all functioned fine. I went to play some music and at first they worked fine, but noticed quite a few would simply not play. But they played fine on my old original ipod which I have had since 2004 and on my PC.

I scanned some forums and the only things they suggested was a reset, which I tried and to no success. And alter the ID3 tag version was another suggestion, which I thought might be it as the ones that did not work were either with a ID3 tag or a high version like 2.3 or 2.4. But itunes would not allow me to alter this.

I am on a laptop running Vista, I don't think this can be the issue as Mac users experienced similar issues. Nor is it seems itunes as it updated my old ipod fine and works fine to me.

Any suggestions? I plan on calling Apple and see what they say when I am home from work. But might as well see if others have had similar problems.

I have this problem!
I've come to the conclusion that its corrupted music files either on my pc or during the transfer process, I got a friend with a normal ipod that has the same problem, its only certain songs, but strangely I did a full restore a while back and it fixed the problem, those songs now play. And it seems better now I have it auto syncing my music rather than manually transferring them, its freaking annoying though when it does it.
Oh thank goodness someone else has the problem, I thought i'd created some so unique no one could help. I'll do a full restore which says it takes 2 hours so hopefully this works. I did have problems accessing the playlist, took ages so this may be a hardwar fault...but everything else works so i dunno :)
I had a similar issue with a bunch of tracks on the old style Nano some time ago. Think I concluded that they had been encoded with a dodgy encoder and that some players must be more lenient with corrupt tracks than others.
Confirmed - I went through some tracks i knew worked and those that did not. Only difference was some were encoded with itunes, some were not. Most which were encoded non-itunes did not work. So i tested on one and coverted to itunes 8.0 encoding and works now.

I am currently trying to find a way to mass encode or encode and delete original. I don't want duplicates! :D
I also thought at one time that it only seemed to be music I imported into iTunes which had the problem (some kind of apple screwing you over thing lol), as another one of my friends only ever bought music from iTunes or ripped CD's on it and he never had the problem.
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