iPod Touch + Rhythmbox.

26 Jul 2008
Imagine my delight when i found out you can sync your iPhone/touch in Fedora 13/Ubuntu 10 etc.

But i'm having problems with it, i can see the touch in the 'devices' list in Rhythmbox. I can drag songs into the iPod and if i use the file explorer i can see the files have been transferred over onto the iPod.

The problem is i can't play the files on the ipod, they don't show up at all, and if i disconnect the ipod and reconnect the saved files i saw in file explorer are no longer there.

Any idea? I have already checked the iPod plugin is enabled.
I get the transferring progress bar on on the bottom right of the screen, then in Rhythembox it shows the tracks actually being on the iPod, also if i browse the ipod the songs are there within the '***' folders, i assume this is how they are catalogued on the ipod.

But if i use the actual iPod itself it doesn't display any songs, i don't get the sync screen either.

Just tryed to transfer some files using GTKPod, it crashes the program with the following error.

Package: gtkpod-0.99.14-4.fc13
Latest Crash: Mon 14 Jun 2010 09:28:13 PM
Command: gtkpod
Reason: Process /usr/bin/gtkpod was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
Comment: None
Bug Reports:
I will have another play later.

What i will do is transfer just 1 album, then leave the iPod connected for a fair amount of time, maybe there is a delay in actually writing the files to the iPod.
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