iPod Touch - 'updated software'

3 Jun 2003
Hi guys. I am looking at getting an iPod Touch, but I'm a bit confused by what some shops mean by 'with updated software' and 'without updated software' when they list prices, and the updated software ones cost more.

Is this updated software just a free firmware I could update myself or software I'd have to pay for separately if I wanted it?
The IPod Touch update came out in January. Whilst it was provided free to iPhone users Apple charged for it on the Touch.

Customise Home Screen

Mail and Maps requires using the Wifi connection. I don't think many people have bothered with it for the Touch.

If I had to buy for the iPhone I wouldn't have bothered.
I bought the software upgrade from apple to give it a try. It includes an email client (allows access to aol email etc), google maps and some other software tweaks. The software pack can be bought separately from iTunes (i think it was roughly £10, but i'm pretty sure i never actully paid for it??). Hope that helps.
Thanks for your replies. Typical Apple I guess.

I just realised I know my local apple dealer. He's given me a £10 discount on the 8GB model and I asked him the sdame question about the new software, which he said all his current stock has included :) So now I just have to wait till pay day :)
You could always Jailbreak your touch for free, and get them all anyway. If you can, save yourself the little bit of cash and just jailbreak using ZiPhone. :)
Bought the touch and it's one of the best purchases I've made.

I never wanted an iPhone because, being a student, it would get trashed. The amount of times I drop my phone on nights out is ridiculous.

It's a great little toy, really stylish and the Wi-Fi option works great. I can even access it anywhere on our university campus as it supports VPN. As for extras, I've got BBC iPlayer on it but what's this about mario!? :D
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