iPod - "TV Shows" as opposed to "Movie"

19 Oct 2002
how do :)

in iTunes, there is an option to tag a video clip as "TV Show" rather than "Movie" - so i thought it'd be nice that my episodes of Lost etc. would be tagged accordingly, but no such item shows up on the actual iPod (i have a 30GB iPod Video (latest software 1.1))

does anyone know how (if you can even do it at all) to add a TV Shows menu into the videos section of the pod?

You can set the clips to TV Shows, but Apple don't let you edit the Show or Season fields. I hope they fix it in the next version of iTunes.
there's a bug in the software which means shows tagged as "TV Shows" dont shop on the ipod. just got my ipod today and realised the same thing. Maybe fixed in next itunes hopefully, but for now i just put them in movies :)
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