My 1st iPod arrived here today, the 30gb video. I was amazed when I saw it running! I found iTunes hard to use at first, but I can use it now. I managed to get a few songs and videos on it and was amazed by the quality. I had some videos on my pc *cough cough * that iTunes refused to put on the iPod because it was the wrong format. A quick google for "iPod Video" and low and behold, a program that converts basically any video file into a mp4, what works on my iPod. It converted them really nicely and looks fantastic on my iPod. No loss of quality what so ever. But I have one question:
Which case do you recommend?
I saw a zShield for a iPod video and thought it looked good. Is it actually good?
Im now sitting here in agony because it's for my birthday. 20th March
Which case do you recommend?
I saw a zShield for a iPod video and thought it looked good. Is it actually good?
Im now sitting here in agony because it's for my birthday. 20th March