iPod Video 5G - Has your right earphone died?

18 Oct 2002
Seems like a lot of people with 5th gen iPods are having probs with their right earphones. Either the start to crackle or die compleatly - this seems just as common with stock buds as it is with expensive 3rd party earphones.

Anyone here had this problem?

This seems to be a hardware problem rather than headphone problem as the G5 is blowing right channel of anymake of headphone!
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A2Z said:
Yep happened with my new 5G, as well as my old 3G.

Tbh they are so poor compared to other earphones you really should buy a decent set if you want to hear good music.

Got some E3C's here and lovin it.

Maybe I didnt stess enough in my thread its nothing to do with the apple headphone quality - but the iPod G5 units blowing right channel of ANY headphone!
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