iPod Video and scratching

29 Dec 2003
I bought an iPod video just over a week ago and have been very impressed with it, I ordered an Evo3 skin for it. Looking at the back of the device, it is shiny as I'd expect but looking closely it's absolutely covered in tiny scratches. After noticing this I decided to have a close look at the front and when held at an angle under a light there are lots of tiny scratches on the screen. The iPod has only ever been sat face up or in it's supplied pouch. The screen was not touched by any other object, and yet it's covered in tiny scratches. I have since wiped the screen with a camera lens cloth but have noticed no additional ill effect from doing so.

I'm extremely unhappy about this, I've had a PSP for over a year and the screen on that is still perfect, as anytime I've cleaned it I've used cloths intended for glass or camera lenses.

If anyone is thinking of buying one of these iPods then DO NOT remove the plastic screen protector until you have a decent skin or case. Under no circumstances trust the pouch that Apple supply. That's the only thing my iPod has been in, and I'm far from happy with the results. I wish I'd waited until I had the skin :( :mad:
I had heard the nano was very easy to scratch but unfortunately didn't realise the same applied to the video models :(. If I had known I'd have left that screen protector on as well. I have some displex display polish ordered, and might give that a try, the name sounds more comforting than Brasso (although I had read ages ago of people using it on their PSP's).

I'm still completely 'd off about it all though.
Caged said:
Does it sound worse now it's scratched? I honestly wouldn't worry about it. You can't sell the things on anyway cause there are millions of them around, and I really doubt it winds you up that much.

Sound worse ? Of course not.
Look worse ? Of course it does. That's the problem. If I wanted something that sounded good and didn't care about looks I'd have bought something else.

It doesn't wind me up that much, but I was far from happy when I noticed. I keep my stuff in good nick. I have a 2.5 year old laptop that people think is brand new due to its' condition, my year old PSP still looks mint. My 10 day old iPod is scratched. Go figure.
A2Z said:
why would you remove the plastic strip on the screen in the first place...

Because I didn't realise how easilly it would get scratched. If I had known then what I know now that little piece of plastic would have been left on until the case arrived. Hindsight's a great thing, just like asking rhetorical questions.

With regards to it just being stuff, well I wouldn't be bothered but I keep everything in good condition. It's nothing to do with selling it on, I just like to keep my stuff looking as good and new as possible. It's just the way I am.

My Evo3 case arrived today so the iPod is now in there. I have a Radtech Sleevz case en route to see what that's like as well. I also have some displex screen polish to try out if the scratches continue to annoy me.

youstolemyid...do not remove that plastic screen cover until your case is there and you're ready to place the iPod into it.
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BUSH said:
i'm incredibly careful with my stuff, and nearly everything i own is in mint condition. But the ipod just scratches so easily, I 've basically given up. Its always in its case now, so you can't see the scratches, and I won't sell it on when I upgrade to a new version, I'll just probably keep it as a portable HD

My sentiments exactly, it just took me a little time to get to the giving up stage. Hopefully the iSkin will do its' job, but I'll be trying the radtech case when it arrives as well.
The Evo3 seems to be well liked, but it really does add to the thickness of the iPod. I had to cut my Evo3 around the earphone connector hole as the A/V lead wouldn't connect in properly due to the thickness of the silicone and the hole not being wide enough for the base of the connector. The case does seem to protect the iPod and screen very well, but the added thickness means I have to take it out of the case to use it with my Logic 3 iPod speakers. The Radtech case I have on its way looks really thin, and I'm hoping it'll be the one I end up using. I also like the look of the zCovers, but wasn't convinced regarding screen protection with them.

I'm not convinced about the hard plastic cases as they seem to have a rear panel that clips around the side and onto the front of the iPod. I've just got an Xtreme Mac case and I'm slightly concerned about long term damage to the iPod from using it so may just sell it on without even putting the iPod in it.
The Radtech case arrived this morning from the USA, pretty quick as it was ordered on Monday night. It's made from soft cloth (optrex) with a built in flexible plastic window over the screen position. The bottom has an opening for the dock connector, I got a plastic/silicone cover for the dock connector. There is no top to the case, so it's totally open. The iPod slides in easily and the case is very thin, although not thin enough for the iPod to dock with the Logic 3 i-Speakers, as the iPod is easilly slid from the case that's not a big deal for me though. I think I'll be using this case more than the Evo3 as the iPod is easilly removable, yet remains accessible and protected within the case.
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